Swiss smile
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Swiss smile

Hier erhältlich:
Beauty & Exklusives Allegra
Beauty & Exklusives Carolin

A smile can change the world

The brand swiss smile leaves run-of-the-mill dental care behind and combines comprehensive expertise with luxury, aesthetics, and timeless design. Swiss smile represents the development of the most sought-after and innovative formulas, exquisitely refined with extraordinary ingredients and top-class materials for a highly effective dental and oral care experience.

The exclusive care line by swiss smile was born of the core competence of Swiss oral care pioneer CURADEN – an internationally recognised innovator in the field of dental prophylaxis for over 40 years – and the support of over 200,000 world-renowned dentists. Swiss smile promises luxurious and yet highly effective dental and oral care tailored for both day and night, which opens up a world of new possibilities for a beaming, beautiful smile.


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Hangl AG
Haus Carolin | Dorfstrasse 7
CH-7563 Samnaun-Dorf // Schweiz
CHE 108.820.042
T +41 81 861 92 00 //